UAS in the NAS Project at AUVSI Xponential 2019
May 17, 2019
Elvia Valenzuela hosting the UAS in the NAS booth
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System (UAS in the NAS) project hosted a booth in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Xponential 2019 exhibit April 30-May 2, 2019. UAS in the NAS researchers Gilbert Wu, Ty Hoang, and Srba Jovic answered questions and hosted the booth, which showcased project accomplishments and provided a demonstration of the Vigilant Spirit Control Station (VSCS), a research ground control station that has been used by NASA for human-in-the-loop simulations and flight tests. The booth also hosted the UAS Tiger Shark that will be flown in NASA’s Flight Test 6 this September. This aircraft comes from the Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation (NASC), a company selected by NASA to provide the UA and integration work. Three panels of Honeywell’s DAPA Lite radar will be installed at the nose of Tiger Shark for the detection of non-cooperative aircraft (aircraft without a transponder). In addition to the booth, NASA participated in a Systems Integration Operationalization (SIO) panel, led by Kurt Swieringa (LaRC) and representatives from General Atomics, Bell, and PAE ISR. (POC: Gilbert Wu)
Garrett Sadler hosting a VSCS demo
NASC’s Tiger Shark with placeholders for the three radar panels at its nose
NASA’s SIO panel
ATD-2 Briefing at Collaborative Site Implementation Team (CSIT) meeting
May 17, 2019
jetBlue Ramp Tower
On April 24-25, 2019, NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team members participated in a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Collaborative Site Implementation Team (CSIT) meeting hosted by jetBlue at their headquarters in New York City. The FAA briefed jetBlue on the upcoming plans to deploy the Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM) across the National Airspace System (NAS) and NASA briefed on ATD-2 Phase 1 and 2 benefits, highlighting recent improvements in approval request (APREQ) compliance and APREQ delay predictability that have been observed following the rollout of Phase 2 capabilities at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. jetBlue hosted a tour of their headquarters, including the System Operations Center which acts as a centralized location for planning and coordination across the jetBlue network of operations. The FAA and NASA team members also visited the jetBlue ramp tower at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and were able to observe the current day metering operations at JFK. This gave an opportunity for jetBlue to better understand the similarities and differences between JFK surface metering and the future TFDM surface metering. (POC: Jeremy Coupe)
ATD-2 Phase 3 Meeting with FAA ATC and Operators
May 17, 2019
ATD-2 Phase 3 Meeting with 2019 Field Demo Partners
On May 9, 2019, the NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team conducted a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic control (ATC) and Airline Operator shadow session that included all of the field demo partners that will be utilizing the ATD-2 system during the 2019 testing and evaluation. The ATD-2 team provided a walkthrough of the concept of use and operational displays, which generated a productive discussion between all parties. The group discussed evaluation strategy, test processes in the initial stages, training, user input, objective data collection, and metrics. The feedback from the shadow session led to specific actions that were incorporated into the evaluation plan for this summer. (POC: Greg Juro)
NASA’s Air Traffic Management Research featured at Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Tech Symposium’s Tech Center Tuesday (TCT)
May 17, 2019
(left to right) Bob Staudenmeier, Bryan Barmore, Barry Sullivan
NASA's air traffic management research and development work was showcased during the annual Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Tech Symposium’s Aviation Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (AvSTEM) Monday and Tech Center Tuesday (TCT) events, May 13-14, 2019 at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) William J. Hughes Technical Center (Atlantic City, NJ). This year’s theme was “Where Innovations Take Flight,” and featured technical tours, demonstrations, and exhibits in a variety of aviation fields from over 45 different projects, programs, and organizations. NASA had two booths, which showcased the Airspace Technology Demonstration (ATD), Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X), System Wide Safety (SWS), and the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) projects. The ATD-1 concept animation and Avionics Phase 2 flight test video were featured. The ATD-2 concept animation was shown in the NASA booth, and the user displays were shown in an adjacent FAA booth highlighting collaboration work with the Tech Center Team. ATD-2 also demonstrated the latest connection to the electronic flight progress strips in use at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The ATD booth also showed the ATD-3 concept animation describing the integration of ground-based tools and a flight-deck-based tool focusing on improving en route and arrival phases of flight. The UTM booth featured a simulated scenario of UAS operations, showcasing flight test activities that were conducted during the Technology Capability Level (TCL)-2 and TCL3 events, as well as a demonstration of an upcoming TCL4 scenario that will take place in Reno, Nevada this summer. UTM also showed visualizations and functions of the UTM research platform, bringing to life the system architecture and data models currently in use. Visitors included high school students from the neighboring New Jersey communities, and showed great interest in current and future NASA systems and research. On Tuesday, visitors included government and industry representatives. (POC: Bob Staudenmeier, Joey Mercer, Barry Sullivan, Bryan Barmore, Alina Eskridge)