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Regional Modeling and Simulation Presentation to City of Los Angeles, Planning Department
April 28, 2021

NASA’s Regional Modeling and Simulation (RMS) effort is expected to benefit local communities in decision-making for the placement of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)/Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicle take-off and landing sites, called vertiports. This patent-pending technology, called VAMOS (Vertiport Assessment and Mobility Operations System), has been under development for about a year and is a modeling tool that aids in the selection of multiple vertiport locations in a given region, and provides simulation support for assessing UAM vehicle flight parameters between those locations. NASA is currently working with several active partners, including the City of Los Angeles Planning Department (CLAPD). On April 16, 2021, the Executive Team of the CLAPD, including the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kevin Keller, was present for a joint (virtual) presentation with NASA and some of the partner employees working at the CLAPD. The presentation was well received and set the stage for further direction from the CLAPD Executive Team for work in the Los Angeles area. Follow-on presentations and meetings are planned, including a NASA-hosted User Work Group meeting.

POC: Kapil Sheth

NASA ATD-2 Phase 3 Stormy 21 Commences Formal Data Collection
April 28, 2021

Example of ATD-2 Phase 3 TOS Digital Reroute

NASA’s Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) project entered the 4-month, Phase 3 formal data collection period, entitled Stormy 21, on April 1, 2021. Stormy 21 includes real time, operational participation by seven field facilities including American, Envoy and Southwest Airlines, Dallas-Fort Worth Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower, Dallas Love ATC Tower, Dallas-Fort Worth Terminal Radar Approach Control and Fort Worth Center. The Spring and early Summer seasons were selected for the formal testing period due to frequent convective weather resulting in surface delay and reroute opportunities at the North Texas airports.

Stormy 21 data collection culminates months of shadow testing, extensive field user training, and thorough assessment of actual Trajectory Options Set (TOS) reroute submissions by Flight Operators and reroute approvals by ATC. Bi-weekly reviews of TOS activities and system use with the field demonstration partners, over the past 6 months, led to software enhancements that were deployed to the operational facilities on April 5, 2021. The latest software version (6.0) includes agile solutions developed in collaboration with field users to mitigate impact of ATC staffing constraints caused by COVID-19. Online tutorials and on-going remote training sessions for field users helped identify operational needs and prepare the users to act upon reroute opportunities.

Stormy 21 provides the opportunity to evaluate the system in various weather and traffic conditions, and to learn how and when the system is utilized and what benefits could be obtained by using TOS to reroute delayed flights, both from an individual flight and system-wide perspectives. Lessons learned will be gleaned from data analyses, as well as from field users’ feedback. These lessons will provide insights into future systems requirements for NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration and the airline industry. The data collection is scheduled to last until the end of July 2021.

POC: Greg Juro and Eric Chevalley

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Last Updated: May 7, 2021

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