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NASA Deploys New Capabilities for ATD-2 Phase 3 Field Demonstration
February 10, 2021

Slide showing New IN Delay Data Elements
Example of the new IN (aircraft gate arrival time) delay information

On February 3, 2021, NASA’s Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) team deployed a new version of the Phase 3 Integrated Arrival, Departure, and Surface (IADS) system. ATD-2 Phase 3 is focused on developing and demonstrating technology for collaborative rerouting of departure flights to reduce delays and improve operational efficiency. The collaborative rerouting is enabled by the digital exchange of candidate routes (called Trajectory Option Sets or TOSs) between airline flight operators and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC). Seven different airline and ATC facilities in the North Texas region are participating in the ATD-2 Phase 3 field demonstration. This latest IADS software version (v5.11.3) introduces new features that were prompted by results from operational and shadow testing, as well as user feedback, since the Summer of 2020. The new features are intended to promote greater system use and provide more operational benefits when the Phase 3 system is formally evaluated during the stormy season of 2021.

Two key enhancements in this software release include the first time that the ATD-2 system provides field demo partners with gate-to-gate predictions for a set of routes. In particular, new data elements provide estimates of a flight’s arrival delay at the destination airport for both the flight’s filed route and alternate routing options (TOS). This information will help participating airlines better assess how much delay at the destination airport they may be able to recover by flying alternative TOS routes – see illustration below. The new data indicates potential delay savings relative to both system delay and the airline schedule, and supports an airline’s tactical operational decisions. The second key enhancement is new logic added to enable a more agile reroute approval process by ATC personnel, thus reducing user workload as well as ensuring more accurate data collection.

In recent months, the NASA team has observed a significant increase in TOS reroute submissions by airlines and TOS reroute approvals by ATC. ATD-2 field demo partners have exhibited innovative ways to use the tools and make decisions that benefit both the airlines and the ATC operations.

POC: Eric Chevalley

DIP Overview to A4A Meeting
February 10, 2021

On February 8, 2021, NASA’s Digital Information Platform (DIP) subproject provided an overview of the vision and objectives of the subproject to Airlines for America (A4A) Air Traffic Management Council (ATMC). The NASA team shared the motivation for the work and how previous research from the Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) subproject provided formulation input towards an architecture that allows high reuse of solutions. Collaborative demonstrations are planned throughout the DIP project cycle and operator/airline partner input is desired for guiding the development of airspace services, inform operational needs, and prioritize demonstration objectives. The next steps are to hold end-user workshops with interested airlines.

POC: Mirna Johnson

Delivery of UAM Airspace Management Software for use in Flight Activity
February 10, 2021

On January 29, the Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X) Urban Air Mobility Sub Project (UAM-SP) delivered the final major UAM Airspace software release for use in the National Campaign-Developmental Testing (NC-DT) flight activity. The software deliverable will be deployed on cloud-based assets and undergo independent integration testing in the NC airspace flight test infrastructure, prior to flight testing that is scheduled to start on February 22, 2021 and continue throughout the Spring and Summer.

POC: Spencer Monheim and Kevin Witzberger

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