X3 Scenario-3 Data Collection Reviewed and Scheduled with Industry Partners
November 4, 2020
The Urban Air Mobility (UAM) subproject (within the Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X) Project) began its third and last “X3” lab testing phase with airspace partners, on October 30. This testing is in preparation for the 2022 National Campaign (NC) and this will focus on NC’s Scenario-3 that involves contingency use cases for aircraft landing on the surface of the airport, such as requiring a UAM flight to perform a go-around or land on an alternative flight pad. These use cases will require the industry partner to re-plan their original operations mid-flight.
X3 testing began August 30 with Scenario-1, and industry partners may schedule their data collection on any available scenario through mid-December based on their readiness. Since this testing started, four partners initiated validation tests and three of them successfully completed the validation tests, demonstrating their systems meet the requirements to complete the X3 Scenario-1 test. Five partners initiated Scenario-1 connectivity and data collection, and one successfully completed Scenario-1. Scenario-2 was made available September 30, and one partner successfully completed Scenario-2 connectivity tests, validation, and data collection.
On October 21, industry partners were briefed on the test procedures for Scenario-3 that will be required prior to commencing Scenario-3 data collection. On October 30, partners will also be able to schedule Scenario-3 for data collection. For these tests, ATM-X is working with industry and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop an airspace management system for vehicles that are expected to operate in urban areas. A key characteristic of this system is leveraging the innovative Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) system architecture, partnering with industry airspace service providers and the Advanced Air Mobility Project’s NC subproject, to collaboratively develop, test, and evaluate this system in the field with aircraft. The UAM subproject is collaborating with a group of 11 airspace industry partners to integrate their technologies and test them in the lab prior to field deployment.