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Unmanned Aerial Systems Traffic Management (UTM) Flight Demonstration Begins in Reno, Nevada
June 20, 2019

Downtown Reno, Nevada Test Range, with NIAS Command Center location in Building at right
Downtown Reno, Nevada Test Range, with NIAS Command Center location in Building at right

The NASA UTM team began Technical Capability Level (TCL) 4 flight demonstration testing on June 17, 2019 at the Nevada UAS test site in downtown Reno, Nevada. Among the capabilities being evaluated in TCL 4 are beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations in an urban environment, off-nominal conditions, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, detect-and-avoid technologies, communication requirements, public safety operations, and airspace restrictions. Numerous test site partners are participating in the flight demonstration which is scheduled to continue through June 28, 2019, followed by a second series of flight demonstrations at the Texas UAS test site in August 2019. On June 17, NASA Ames Research Center Director, Dr. Eugene Tu, visited the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems (NIAS) Command Center for the TCL 4 test and met with team members, including Nevada Test Site Director Chris Walach. Read more about TCL 4 and other UTM demos. (POC: Kathy Lee)

UTM Chief Engineer Joey Rios, Ames Center Director Eugene Tu, UTM Project Manager Ron Johnson
UTM Chief Engineer Joey Rios, Ames Center Director Eugene Tu, UTM Project Manager Ron Johnson

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) panel at the Uber Elevate
June 20, 2019

Uber Elevate panelists, moderated by Tom Prevot (l) and including Sandy Lozito, AF Division chief (2nd from right) sitting on stage in front of an audience
Uber Elevate panelists, moderated by Tom Prevot (l) and including Sandy Lozito, AF Division chief (2nd from right)

Uber Elevate hosted its third annual summit, June 11-12, 2019, in Washington, DC. Aviation Systems Division Chief, Sandy Lozito, participated in a panel on “Urban Airspace Operations, from Concepts to Reality,” to discuss industry and government progress in UAM airspace management, and shared NASA’s experience with UAM, UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Technical Capability Level (TCL) 4 testing, and UAM Grand Challenges. The panel was moderated by Uber’s Airspace System Director, Tom Prevot, and included Tiffany Vinson (City of San Diego), Biruk Abraham (Federal Aviation Administration), Jon Damush (Boeing) and Robin Lineberger (Deloitte). (POC: Min Xue)

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Cognitive Walkthrough
June 20, 2019

A cognitive walkthrough was conducted by the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) subproject researchers on June 5-6, 2019, to evaluate potential UAM operations at a conceptual level with three Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) subject matter experts (SMEs) sponsored by the FAA NextGen Office. The SMEs provided input that will be considered in the UAM Concept of Operations, as well as inform the scenarios for upcoming engineering evaluations. The cognitive walkthrough consisted of a table-top exercise with story-boarding for several scenarios that focused on: current day procedures and communication protocols for UAM operations; digitizing or automating communications and the challenges involved in the process of automating them; how small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) would work for UAM operations; and the processes of authorization of UAS and providing automated clearances for UAS used for cargo delivery. (POC: Savvy Verma)

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Last Updated: June 25, 2019

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