ATD-2 Briefs its Phase 3 Plans to the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) - Flow Evaluation Team
October 31, 2018
NASA briefed the Airspace Technology Demonstration-2 (ATD-2) Phase 3 field demonstration plans to the CDM Flow Evaluation Team (FET) on Oct. 18, 2018 in Orlando, FL. The NASA team introduced its terminal departure scheduling concept that leverages multiple departure route Trajectory Option Sets (departure TOS) as well as the ATD-2 Integrated Arrival, Departure and Surface (IADS) predictive engine to identify opportunities for rerouting departures during Terminal demand/capacity imbalances. The initial phase of the Phase 3 field demonstration research is scheduled for the summer of 2019 in the North Texas (NTX) metroplex. The NASA ATD-2 system includes a user interface to coordinate the use of departure TOS that that is shared among field demo partners as well as new technology in its predictive engine that assess when flights have sufficient surface departure delay to warrant alternative routes as specified by flight operator’s relative trajectory cost (RTC) input. The FET provided helpful input, expressed interest in the project and invited the NASA team to collaborate in future meetings as the work progresses. (POC: Eric Chevalley)
ATD-2 Team Conducts Working Sessions with Phase 3 Airline Field Demo Partners
October 31, 2018
NASA met with field demo partners of the Airspace Technology Demonstration-2 (ATD-2) Phase 3 effort, Oct. 23-24, 2018. The NASA team discussed the Phase 3 terminal departure capability with Southwest Airlines (SWA) and American Airlines (AA) at their headquarters in the Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) region. The team had robust discussions on the use of Trajectory Option Sets (TOS) to provide alternative routes out of the DFW TRACON (D10) region during periods of demand/capacity imbalance. The team also discussed methods to leverage existing Coded Departure Routes (CDRs) to simplify initial evaluation of the concept, specific criteria that would help NASA identify good TOS candidates for airline operational use, and candidate user interface designs. Follow-up working sessions are currently planned for November 2018. (POC: Eric Chevalley)