ATD-3 DRAW Technical Interchange Meeting at FAA HQ
September 7, 2018
The first Airspace Technology Demonstration 3 (ATD-3) Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW) Technology Transfer was accomplished on June 29, 2018. The ATD-3 DRAW team held a Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Headquarters on August 29, 2018. A description of DRAW functionality and results of recent DRAW simulation studies were presented to FAA stakeholders, along with a briefing on plans for upcoming studies. Representatives from FAA Time-Based Flow Management (TBFM) operations were consulted on the implementation of the DRAW concept within TBFM, including Extended Metering (XM) operations. These detailed discussions with TBFM engineering personnel were particularly helpful toward understanding future DRAW-enabled TBFM XM operations and to the DRAW software development team that is currently prototyping core DRAW functionality into a TBFM code baseline. The FAA has indicated a strong interest in taking the delivery artifacts from the final DRAW Tech Transfer at the end of Q4FY19, and incorporating in the TBFM Work Package 5. (POC: Doug Isaacson)
NASA Administrator Visits NASA Ames
September 7, 2018
NASA Administrator, Mr. Jim Bridenstine, visited NASA Ames Research Center on August 30, 2018. During his tour of Ames, Mr. Bridenstine visited a number of Aviation Systems Division labs and facilities, and Division personnel hosted and presented recent technical accomplishments at FutureFlight Central (FFC), the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) laboratory, and the Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS). Photos and video from the visit can be found on numerous social media posts: