Completion of Operational Integration Assessment (OIA) Shakedown #1
April 17, 2015
The Operational Integration Assessment (OIA) is an FAA/NASA demonstration of the FAA's Ground-based Interval Management for Spacing (GIM-S) integrated with NASA's Terminal Sequencing and Spacing (TSS) ground automation technology. The OIA will take place at the FAA's William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC) using National Air Traffic Controller Association (NATCA) participants, May 12-21, 2015. The main objective of the OIA is to identify TSS operational risks that need to be addressed prior to transitioning TSS from the laboratory to the National Airspace System (NAS). To prepare for the OIA “Run for Record,” two important shakedowns are scheduled in April.
Shakedown #1 was completed April 7-9, 2015. Twenty-two pseudo-pilots and 18 controllers participated, including NATCA controllers and traffic management coordinators from Seattle, Houston, Denver, Indianapolis, Memphis, and Cleveland terminal and en route air traffic facilities. The objectives of this first shakedown were to retire the highest OIA risks, pertaining to the target generation facility automation defects/radar surveillance/pseudo-piloting errors and the en route configuration, including extended metering. Other objectives included evaluating scenarios for the OIA, providing familiarization and training for the subject participants, and testing data collection methods and procedures, including the daily schedule. Most of the objectives were met, and the OIA team is currently in the process of consolidating and prioritizing outstanding issues. The two highest risks are still being addressed to verify causes and possible mitigation strategies. The second OIA shakedown is scheduled for April 28-30.
(POC: Kevin Witzberger )