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National Academy of Public Administration: Dr. Banavar Sridhar participated in colloquia on April 10 conducted by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) to assist the FAA in identifying the critical challenges, potential solutions and the critical competencies required to deliver the Next Generation Air Transportation System. Established in 1967 and chartered by Congress, NAPA is a non-profit, independent organization, which assists Federal agencies, Congress, state and local governments, academia, and foundations to address both short-term and long-term challenges. Ms. Vicki Cox, Vice President, FAA System Operations commissioned the study. The other members of the group included a former FAA Acting Administrator, two former NASA Center Directors, a former NASA Associate Administrator, a former NASA Program Manager and two senior executives from aerospace companies. The NAPA recommendation is due September 2008.

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Pilot Assessment of Very Closely Spaced Approach Escape Procedures: Aviation Systems Division Researchers hosted a one-day workshop with retired and current airline pilots to discuss proposed escape maneuver procedures for upcoming simulations of Very Closely Spaced Approaches in the Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator. The pilots were selected based on their experience in conducting closely spaced approaches in Visual and Marginally Visual Meteorological Conditions. They were briefed on proposed procedures for Instrument Meteorological Conditions (including escape procedures for wake and/or aircraft intrusion into the intended flight path). The pilots voiced a preference for a 'V' formation (over a line formation) on triplet approaches. They also recommended an alternative to autopilot-engaged escape maneuvers: utilizing 'heading select' and engaging LNAV to fly a pre-selected escape heading. Further comments on timing of simulated blunders and wake encounters have been integrated into the simulation plan and will be used to evaluate the proposed procedures in upcoming simulations.

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NRA Kickoff meeting on Transition to Super Density Operations: A kickoff meeting for the NRA award entitled "Transition to SDO Capability -2015 Timeframe" was completed. The proposed effort, led by Dr. Steve Landry of Purdue University, will identify the issues and constraints that dictate current practice in the use of RNAV and RNP procedures in congested terminal airspace. The research effort will determine which constraints are likely to continue to the mid-term (2015) and will assess strategies for mitigating the impact of these constraints as well as nominal perturbations (e.g., missed approaches, convective weather) as traffic increases and new technologies are introduced to the fleet. The meeting was well-attended by two divisions at Ames and will be closely coordinated with upcoming studies to investigate controller managed spacing tools. Additional team members include Dr. Gary Slater (University of Cincinnati) and a team from the Boeing Company providing human factors expertise, noise analysis and traffic simulation capabilities.

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NASA/FAA Research Collaboration Planning meeting at FAA Technical Center: NASA and FAA researchers met to discuss collaborations related to aircraft trajectory prediction. Two research topics were identified that are related to trajectory validation and aircraft intent data exchange. The group created a plan to develop methods for comparing aircraft prediction data with sources of truth data. A near term plan is to share data the FAA will collect for an initial intent exchange experiment. These data will provide reference data for further comparisons with NASA trajectories.

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Last Updated: November 7, 2018

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