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10.16.07 Division Highlights

New York Flow Prioritization: An initial study explored the impact of reduced capacity due to weather in the eastern United States. A binary integer-programming model calculated the optimal departure controls to reduce the demand and capacity imbalances. By varying parameters in the model's cost function, three distinct solutions were obtained. The first solution penalized the New York flows using the capacity constrained airspace. The second solution gave preferential treatment to these flows. The last solution equally distributed delays across all flights. Paralleling these modeling activities was an equally challenging effort to adapt a national air space modeling and simulation system to supply operational flight and airspace data to this model. To test these models, 120 scenarios in which the intensity of the constraints, the geographical location of the constraints, and the prioritization of the traffic flows through the constraints were explored. Preliminary results indicate that significant delay reductions are possible for New York flows without significantly increasing system level delays. The results will be presented at the 2007 Information For Operations Research and the Management Sciences annual meeting

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Common Scenario Analysis of Airborne and Ground-Based Separation Assurance Algorithms: Separation Assurance researchers from Ames and Langley outlined a concept to analyze airborne and ground-based algorithmic approaches. This concept will use common traffic scenarios and metrics. Traffic scenarios from both research groups will be converted to initial time, aircraft state, route of flight, and flight plan altitude in a common format. FAA en route flight plan waypoints will be stored in latitude/longitude format to facilitate analysis by both while not losing the realism of actual Center flight plans. This common scenario analysis will add insight on the needed information for airborne and ground-based separation assurance methods.

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Next Generation Air Transportation System Integration Report Completed: A technical integration report on airspace and airportal technologies fulfilled a key milestone. It documents a baseline system configuration. Proposed concepts, technologies, human and automation roles and responsibilities, and information needs will be evaluated against this baseline. The research is also linked directly to the Joint Planning and Development Office's Concept of Operations document.

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Airportal-Boeing Joint Research Meeting: NASA and Boeing held a two-day meeting in Seattle. The two parties agreed to pursue joint surface research. NASA briefed on surface modeling and automation, runway incursion prevention, 4D taxi displays, system studies, concepts of operation, and metroplex research. Boeing briefed on runway constraint analysis, runways and flow modeling, safety analyses, and required navigation performance applications. Areas identified for joint research included systems analysis, surface operations with benefit analyses, environmental issues, and datalink for taxi planning.

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Improving Multi-Platform Support of ATM Research Systems: Researchers at the North Texas Field site (NTX) are able to run the Center-TRACON Automation System and Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool under the SUSE 10.2 Linux OS on a 64 bit machine. This is part of the plan to transition from legacy Sun/Solaris platforms to modern Linux platforms. NTX has been using the SUSE Linux OS to run other research tools and now will look to routinely build/run these research systems on this Linux platform. This capability will allow this field site to better evaluate and assist in the creation of research software with personnel at Ames.

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UPS LOFT Data Collection: Previously, the Flight Operations Quality Assurance data collection project between Ames and UPS applied to instructor training. The first 10 weeks of data collection were for Line Operation Flight Training (LOFT) missions. This week data were collected on line pilots. Data on 11 crews are scheduled to be taken over the next two months. Four days of LOFT scenarios are recorded per crew, gathering the same data that are collected on everyday line operations aircraft. These data are being assembled and distributed to UPS and NASA researchers.

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Last Updated: November 7, 2018

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