FAA/Eurocontrol Action Plan 2 Meeting: The FAA and Eurocontrol held an Action Plan 2 Technical Interchange Meeting at the Eurocontrol Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on June 25-27. During the three-day meeting, ATM concepts relevant to the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) and NextGen in the U.S., were discussed along with the transition strategy for the traffic of 2025 time frame. Aside from the NASA representatives from Ames and HQ, other members of the U.S. team included Bob Pearce of JPDO, Steve Bradford, Richard Jehlen, Diana Liang, and Jay Merkle of the FAA, Tony Chambliss, Elvan McMillen, Ralph Mayer of Mitre/CAASD, and Stephane Mondoloni of CSSI, Inc. Ames personnel made presentations on Trajectory-Based Operations, Collaborative ATM, Terminal Concepts and Environment, in parallel track sessions with the European counterparts subsequently presenting their ideas and concept of operations. Based on presentations, the development of scenarios for concept validation was identified as one of the future joint efforts.
+ Back to Top Surface Operations Data Analysis Tool Upgrade Released to NASA Researchers: The NGATS ATM - Airportal and NGATS ATM - Airspace projects have both identified a requirement for software tools to collect, organize and analyze surface and terminal operations data. NASA Ames' Aviation Systems Division is leveraging an SBIR effort by Mosaic ATM, Inc. to develop the Surface Operations Data Analysis and Adaptation (SODAA) tool. The SODAA tool couples a sophisticated database design with a data management and visualization module. SODAA ingests surface and terminal surveillance data from various sources, computes and stores a wide array of derived data elements and provides the researcher with tools to manage, query, mine and visualize the raw and derived data elements.
The latest SODAA release (version 1.2) includes a number of important enhancements: joined query redesign, CTAS track processing, database migration capability, significantly expanded user guide, etc. These enhancements promise to make the tool immediately useful to NASA researchers even while development continues under the SBIR effort. SODAA's contribution to NASA's Airportal Operations Analysis effort is being featured in the NASA ARMD exhibit at the JPDO NextGen House and Senate Hill Days.
+ Back to Top ATM2007 Seminar: A number of Ames' researchers and managers attended the ATM2007 Seminar in Barcelona, Spain. Ames presented three papers as first authors (Farley, Kopardekar and Zelinski). All three papers elicited interesting questions and discussion that will aid in refining and enhancing the research. Papers presented by other research organizations provided valuable insights that should result in future collaborative research efforts for NASA.