Air Traffic Flow Management Performance Metrics: An important metric to measure the performance of Traffic Flow Management (TFM) operations is the total aggregate delay experienced by aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS). Although it is well known that weather is a major cause of delay in the NAS, the relationship between weather, traffic and delay needs understanding to improve the performance of the system. NASA has developed a three-step linear regression model to predict delay based on forecasted weather and traffic. The three-step model requires a priori classification of days into low, medium and high delay categories. The categorization of delay into categories has been achieved by examining historical data concerning weather, traffic and observed delay and the behavior of delay patterns at regional levels. The model has been verified using data for the years 2004, 2005 and 2006.
+ Back to Top Action Plan 9 System Wide Modeling Collaboration: Researchers from the FAA visited the Aerospace Operations Modeling Branch last week to solicit information about the Airspace Concepts Evaluation System (ACES) in support of Action Plan 9. Action Plan 9 is a collaborative effort between NASA, FAA, and Eurocontrol, and its focus is on system-wide modeling and simulation of air transportation systems. The solicited information will be incorporated in a report documenting all of the system-wide simulations used in the United States and Europe and their capabilities.
+ Back to Top Collaboration on Simulation Models: NASA is collaborating with Sensis Corporations's Seagull Technology Center to extend the capabilities of Sensis' AvDemand tool to NASA's real-time simulation needs. Using AvDemand, researchers are able to model future air traffic demand according to a wide variety of parameters such as population growth rate and airline business models. The resulting models currently are compatible only with NASA's fast-time simulation environments. The present effort seeks to expand the tool's applicability to real-time as well as fast-time simulation. This will enable NASA to validate its fast-time simulation results in higher-fidelity real-time experiments. The initial application of this capability will seek to validate recent fast-time simulation results for automated conflict detection and resolution. The initial capability is expected by September 2007.
+ Back to Top Augmented Reality Tower Tool: Dr. Steven Feiner, (Columbia University) worked on the Augmented Reality Tower Tool (ARTT) at Moffett Field Air Traffic Control Tower over the recent weekend (April 28-29). Dr. Feiner identified specific problems in motion-tracking technologies currently used for ARTT and suggested several interesting alternatives, including an innovative use of ceiling-mounted fiduciary marker recognition using machine vision. Dr. Feiner also provided direction for refinements of the 3-D visual database of NASA Ames Research Center that is used for static registration, and preparations for the upcoming experiments with the controller cadre, currently scheduled for the end of June 2007.