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The ATD-2 Poject delivered its final research transition package and was concluded on September 30, 2021. This page is being retained for reference and historical purposes, but the content is no longer being updated.

ATD-2 Concept graphic

NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) Industry Workshop

ATD-2 Industry Workshop Documentation Outline / High Level Software Description / Fuser Data Processing

TBFM Mapping


TBFM messages consumed from FAA SWIM are first sent to the TBFM XML Processor. The parser takes the TBFM messages received from SWIM and appends additional information into the message. The TBFM message is then forwarded to the Fuser where the data is mapped directly into the common Fuser flight object. No intermediary format is used for TBFM as it is for TFMS and STDDS. Below is a list of attributes which are appended to TBFM messages by the TBFM XML Processor prior to being forwarded to the Fuser.

  • Attributes Added by TBFM XML Processor:
    • gufi
    • envelopeSource
    • envelopeTime
    • timestampSourceReceive
    • timestampSourceProcess
    • degradedStatus
    • syncMessage
    • newFlightPlanStd
    • newFlightPlanEtm
    • securityLevel

TBFM SWIM Format to Fuser Format Mapping

The table below contains the mapping of FAA SWIM TBFM data source (right column) into the Fuser database / common format (left column). TBFM replaced a system named "TMA" which is why the TBFM attributes start with "tmaType". 

Core Fuser Database Element TBFM SWIM Element
acid tmaType.air.flt.aid
aircraftEngineClass tmaType.air.flt.Eng
aircraftEquipmentQualifier tmaType.air.flt.Typ
equipment qualifier parsed from TMA element
aircraftType tmaType.air.flt.Typ
aircraft type parsed from TMA element
altitudeAssigned tmaType.air.flt.Ara
(if tmaType.air.flt.Fps != proposed)
altitudeRequested tmaType.air.flt.Ara
(if tmaType.air.flt.Fps == proposed)
arrivalAerodrome.icaoName tmaType.air.flt.Apt
arrivalRunwayAssigned tmaType.air.mrp.rwy
(see isArrivalMrp logic on tbfmExt tab)
arrivalRunwayEstimatedTime tmaType.air.eta.etaRwy
(see isArrivalMrp logic on tbfmExt tab)
arrivalRunwayMeteredTime tmaType.air.sta.staRwy
(see isArrivalMrp logic on tbfmExt tab)
arrivalRunwayMeteredTime.isFrozen tmaType.air.sch.sfz
(see isArrivalMrp logic on tbfmExt tab)
beaconCode tmaType.air.flt.Bcn.OctalString
departureAerodrome.iataName Derived from tmaType.air.flt.Dap
departureAerodrome.icaoName Derived from tmaType.air.flt.Dap
departureRunwayActualTime tmaType.air.flt.aot
departureRunwayAssigned tmaType.air.flt.drw
departureRunwayControlledTime tmaType.air.flt.etm
departureRunwayEstimatedTime tmaType.air.flt.Etd
departureRunwayMeteredTime tmaType.air.flt.std
departureRunwayMeteredTime.isFrozen tmaType.air.sch.sfz
(see isDepartureMrp logic on tbfmExt tab)
departureRunwayProposedTime tmaType.air.flt.ctm
(when flight plan status is proposed)
estimatedDepartureClearanceTime tmaType.air.flt.etm
gufi gufiTmaType.gufi
lastUpdateSource "TMA"
position.altitude tmaType.air.trk.Alt
position.heading tmaType.air.trk.Hdg
position.longitude tmaType.air.trk.lon.TrkLonDMS.TrkLonDecimalDegrees
position.source "TMA"
position.speed tmaType.air.trk.Gsp
position.timestamp tmaType.air.trk.Ttm
routeText tmaType.air.flt.A10
speedFiled tmaType.air.flt.Spd
(converted from mach to knots when necessary)
systemId gufiTmaType.envelopeSource
timestamp gufiTmaType.envelopeDate

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Curator: Victoriana Delossantos
NASA Official: Al Capps
Last Updated: May 22, 2019