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The ATD-2 Poject delivered its final research transition package and was concluded on September 30, 2021. This page is being retained for reference and historical purposes, but the content is no longer being updated.

ATD-2 Concept graphic

NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) Industry Workshop

ATD-2 Industry Workshop Documentation Outline


The purpose of this documentation is to provide an overview of the Fuser technology used in ATD-2. The Fuser aggregates flight data from multiple FAA sources, Airline data, and 3rd party data into a single source.  Flight information is organized by individual flights (one take-off and one landing) using the Globally Unique Flight Identifier (GUFI). As each new message is received by the Fuser, the flight file is updated. Clean and accurate data is assured through the use of transformation and mediation processes which enforce business rules on the received data.  ATD-2 components rely on the Fuser database as a System of Record, providing a single interface for access to data from many different origins.  

Documentation Scope

This scope of this documentation focuses specifically on the Fuser and SWIM data sources used in ATD-2. Below is an overview of the documentation with brief descriptions of each section.

  • High Level Software Description - Brief introduction to the Fuser components and functionality
    • Fuser Architecture Overview - Provides a detailed look at the Fuser components and Fuser Processing and Mediation Flow
    • Fuser Component List - Compete listing of Fuser Components with a brief description of each
    • Data Parser Mapping - Contains the mappings for the multiple Data Parsers which break the raw messages down into their individual elements prior to sending to the Fuser
    • Fuser Data Processing - Contains mappings of the data sources used in ATD-2 into the Fuser and back out via the NASA TFDM Terminal Publication (TTP) SWIM Service
    • Fuser Data Dictionary - Provides a description of the flight data that is published by the Fuser.
  • High Level ATD-2 Data Description - Provides an introduction into the data used in ATD-2
    • STDDS SMES - Contains background information and data dictionary for the SWIM SMES data feed
    • TBFM - Contains background information and data dictionary for the SWIM TBFM data feed
    • TFMS - Contains background information and data dictionary for the SWIM TFMS data feed

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Curator: Victoriana Delossantos
NASA Official: Al Capps
Last Updated: July 23, 2019