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NASA Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) Industry Workshop

Data Parser Mapping


The ATD-2 infrastructure takes in data from external sources via it's "Datahub". The Datahub passes the raw data to the "Data Parsers", which break the raw messages down into their individual elements. Additionally, the Data Parsers flatten the structure of the incoming data which make it easier for the Fuser. Once the Data Parser has completed its task, the data then flows to the Fuser which combines data from different sources into a single source of information which can be consumed by other services. This page provide the mappings between the external sources and the output of the Data Parsers.



AsdexProcessor listens for Asdex messages on a JMS topic as provided by the STDDS SMES data feed. It expects to receive flight position messages. Each message is converted into filtered and flattened version with unique identifier and redistributed as PositionMessageList on new topics. The AsdexXMLProcessor is also responsible for retrieving the correct GUFI from the GUFI Service.

Processor that connects to the TFMS Flight SWIM data feed and filters / flattens the schema in addition to retrieving the correct GUFI from the GUFI Service.


Processor that connects to the TFMS Terminal Flight SWIM data feed and filters / flattens the schema in addition to retrieving the correct GUFI from the GUFI Service.

TbfmXmlProcessor TbfmXmlProcessor listens for TBFM messages on a JMS topic as provided by the TBFM SWIM feed. It expects to receive flight specific and position messages. TbfmXmlProcessor provides the option to capture messages before redistribution. The purpose of the TbfmXmlProcessor is to filter and flatten the schema, add additional information into each message, and retrieve the correct GUFI from the GUFI Service.

Fuser Data Parser Mappings

Prior to being sent to the Fuser, data inputs are processed. Each Parser is responsible for filtering out unwanted data, appending additional data already stored in the Fuser, retrieving the correct GUFI from the GUFI Service, and flattening the schema when needed. When the schema of a source is already "flat" or simple, (such as TBFM) it is passed onto the Fuser in its native format.  Below is a table containing the mappings developed for ATD-2. This table contains both the mappings between the SWIM format and Parser format (e.g. STDDS SMES Mapping). Tthe mapping between the Parser output and the common Fuser Format, can be found on the Fuser Database Mapping page.




Mapping between the STDDS SMES (ASDE-X) SWIM format and STDDS SMES Pre-Fuser format set by the ASDE-X XML Processor

TFMS Flight Data Mapping Mapping between the TFMS Flight SWIM format and the TFMS Flight Transfer format set by the TFMS Flight XML Processor
TFMS Terminal Flight Data Mapping Mapping between the TFMS Terminal Flight SWIM format and the TFMS Terminal Flight Transfer format set by the TFMS Terminal Flight XML Processor
TBFM Mapping Since TBFM is relatively simple format, the messages are forwarded to the Fuser in the SWIM format. Additional information is appended to each message prior to being sent to the Fuser. This additional information is detailed on this page.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Curator: Victoriana Delossantos
NASA Official: Al Capps
Last Updated: May 22, 2019