Orion Reentry Handling Qualities Simulation Team
The Orion Reentry Handling Qualities Simulation Team received a 2010 NASA Honor Award “for conducting a handling qualities simulation experiment that made significant contributions towards developing the Orion crew exploration vehicle for Constellation.” The team included Karl D. Bilimoria, Eric R. Mueller, and Nghia D. Vuong from NASA, and Paul Chaplin, Bosco Dias, Soren Laforce, Mike Leonard, Scott Reardon, Mike Weinstein, and Darrell Wooten of SAIC.
Karl Bilimoria accepts the 2010 NASA Honor Award on behalf of the Orion Reentry Handling Qualities Simulation Team
LAX North Airfield Safety Study Simulation Team
The LAX North Airfield Safety Study Simulation Team received a 2010 NASA Honor Award “for planning and conducting a technically and logistically complex simulation to evaluate runway changes at Los Angeles International Airport.” The team included representatives from NASA (John Amaral, Bimal Aponso, Debbi Ballinger, David O. Chin, Rodrigo S. David, Dean Giovannetti, Mike Madson, Wayne T. Momii, Boris M. Rabin, Terrence K. Rager, Betty W. Silva), Aerospace Computing (Nancy Dorighi), Education Associates Program (Michael Calcagno, Erin Hambrick, Sean Montgomery, Calvin Tang), FAA (Elliot Brann, Richard Lanier, Kurt Rammelsberg), Flight Research Associates (Ken Christensen, James Miller), Foothill-DeAnza Internship Program (Vimmy Gujral, Yvonne Jimenez), Seidcon (Steven M. Bayne), and SAIC (David M. Brown, Diane M. Carpenter, Girish H. Chachad, Jeff Diaz, Eric B. Gardner, James S. Gibson, Jeffery Hernandez, Hai T. Huynh, Carla D. Ingram, Srba Jovic, Gloria Y. Lane, Soren Laforce, Vera Lazarevic, Ronald D. Lehmer, J. Chris Murphy, Martin Pethtel, Tuan C. Truong, John A. Walker, Daniel A. Wilkins).
Betty Silva accepts the 2010 NASA Honor Award on behalf of the LAX North Airfield Safety Study Simulation Team
VMS Space Shuttle Visual Database Development Team
The VMS Space Shuttle Visual Database Development Team received a 2010 NASA Honor Award “for rapidly developing twenty-four high fidelity visual databases for the Shuttle Landing and Rollout Simulation training.” The team included Steven D. Beard and Boris M. Rabin of NASA and David Brown, Estela Buchmann, Bosco Dias, Gloria Lane, Scott Reardon and Dan Wilkins of SAIC.
The VMS Space Shuttle Visual Database Development Team is presented with a 2010 NASA Honor Award
Dave McNally Dave McNally is awarded a 2010 NASA Honor Award and Outstanding Leadership Medal “for outstanding technical leadership of air traffic management research and the tangible benefits his contributions have brought to the traveling public.”
Dave McNally is presented with a 2010 NASA Honor Award and Oustanding Leadership Medal
John Robinson
John Robinson is awarded a 2010 NASA Honor Award and Exceptional Achievement Medal “for substantial contributions to NASA's strong reputation and leadership stature in Air Traffic Management research and development.”
John Robinson is presented with a 2010 NASA Honor Award and Exceptional Achievement Medal