FAST Speed and Turn Advisory Graphics This diagram shows examples of the FAST Speed and Turn Advisory Graphics. A runway lies near the bottom of the diagram oriented west to east. North of the runway is the location of American Airlines 123. The aircraft's position is represented by a green dot. The aircraft's heading is represented by a green arrow which extends to the west (parallel to the runway) from the green dot. A white leader line extends from near the green dot to the aircraft's flight data block. The text in the flight data block is as follows: AAL123 60 25 7 21 "AAL123" is in yellow. "21" is in orange. The other text in the flight data block is in green. "21" is also labelled, "Speed Advisory Value". In front (to the west) of the aircraft is an orange circle with an X in the middle. This is labelled, "Speed Advisory Location". To the west of the Speed Advisory is a yellow splat with the number "180" above it. Slightly to the west of the splat is a yellow arc that shows a turn to the south. This arc is labelled, "Turn Advisory" and represents a turn from the downwind leg to the base leg.