EFFECT OF UNCERTAINTY ON EN ROUTE DESCENT ADVISOR (EDA) PREDICTIONS K. Tysen Mueller, Richard Bortins, David R. Schleicher, Doug Sweet, and Richard A. Coppenbarger Abstract The En Route Descent Advisor (EDA) is one of the Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS) decision support tools under development at the NASA Ames Research Center. EDA generates maneuver advisories for arrival aircraft to meet scheduled arrival times at the arrival meter fix, sometimes 20-25 minutes ahead of the aircraft's scheduled meter fix arrival time. This work determined the sensistivity of the EDA advisories to system uncertainties, including initial condition, environmental, and aircraft performance data errors. Using a Monte Carlo simulation that incorporates a Matlab Trajectory Synthesizer (TS) simulation, the sensitivities of the EDA predicted trajectory to these data error sources were obtained. The key metric is the meter fix crossing time error since this metric directly measures the performance of EDA. This performance analysis involved a minimum of 200 Monte Carlo trials per error parameter. In addition to the single aircraft performance analysis, the impact of aircraft prediction errors on conflict detection between closely-spaced aircraft was also explored. These Monte Carlo performance analyses determined how robust the EDA advisories are to input parameter uncertainties.